Good estate plans create
good inheritors.
Most people think estate planning is simply having a will. It’s certainly a good starting point, but an estate plan encompasses so much more than that. Your plan should be able to make the decisions for you when you can’t. If you have a will, it’s not always a true reflection of your intentions or even the best solution for your inheritor. That’s why we are here, to learn more about you and your family, and to listen to what you are trying to accomplish to ensure you have the strategies in place to meet your wishes.
Guiding clients and
ensuring their wishes
Estate planning is often overlooked by advisors. At Assante, we guide clients through the process, engage lawyers, and ensure their wishes are met.
Make the most of an inheritance.
What started out as a generous and life improving gift often becomes the opposite of your intent and expectations. If not properly planned and managed, your will and/or inheritance can create significant tax burdens, extended probate periods (that could hold up the money and assets for years) and family conflicts.

The importance of
proper estate planning
While every client situation is unique, the importance of implementing a proper estate plan is consistent in every case.